Takari Lifecycle 1.10.1 Released!

On Friday we released the Takari Lifecycle 1.10.1 in response to an issue reported by Paris Apostolopoulos. Paris is very supportive of our efforts so we tried to get a release out for him and his team. From the time of reporting the issue to landing the new release in Maven Central was approximately 9 hours.

All of the Takari Lifecycle’s components are housed at Github so it was possible to make the set of cascading releases required and get the result to Maven Central relatively quickly. It’s awesome that you can have a conversation with a user on Twitter, get their assessment, figure out the issue, resolve the issue and push out a release as soon as possible. We think our users like this, and we certainly like being able to turn around fixes in a timely manner.

The conversation went like this:

We look forward to pushing out more releases of the Takari Lifecycle as fast as we possibly can! We have also noticed that users have been raising issues for the lifecycle chapter and we plan to make it easier this week for users to make pull requests directly to help us improve the content!



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