Maven Developer Hangout -- January 8th, 2015

Tomorrow we kick off the first Maven Developer Hangout of the year! We have a good range of discussions lined up for tomorrow and there will likely be some heated debate! Paul Hammant and I are going to talk about Buck :-)


Henning Schmiedehausen will be talking about the Basepom project, and a recent change to the Maven Dependency Plugin. Henning worked with me on the Turbine project years ago where Maven was born. So he’s probably the longest surviving committer aside from me! The Basepom projects is very useful project with good ideas for Maven projects so this will be a good discussion.

Igor Fedorenko will be talking about incremental build. Specifically discussing Takari’s incremental compiler based on JDT and some implementation details regarding access rules and classpath lookup strategies.

Robert Scholte will be talking some of the recent changes in the Maven Toolchains implementation.

Paul Hammant (co-creator of - PicoContainer, Selenium 1.0 & Paranamer) and I will be discussing build technologies specifically talking about Buck and Maven-related technologies Takari has been working on.

Just a note about next week that I have a discussion planned with Chris Hunt (Typesafe) and James Ward (Salesforce) about the project. We want to discuss how to make Javascript development easier from tools like Maven. I have also invited Isaac Schlueter from NPM to the discussion so hopefully we’ll have an interesting conversation!



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