
This document gives step-by-step instructions for deploying Maven components reference documentation inside the Maven website.

See Maven website introduction for instructions on the whole website publication (main site content + components).


Since December 2012, the overall website uses svnpubsub mechanism:

Components reference documentation mechanisms overview

How components reference documentation publication works

Components don't use CMS: components reference documentation are versioned and generated from full sources, with both handwritten content (like Maven main site) and content generated from sources (javadoc, unit-test results, integration test results...).

Staging component reference documentation

Reference documentation of a component is staged in, where yyy is the component name and xxx can be:

To publish component reference documentation:

  1. prerequisite: eventually build the component if it has not been done previously, or some reports may miss build or integration information:
    mvn -Prun-its install
  2. build the reference documentation:
    mvn -Preporting site site:stage

    Notice: site:stage is really necessary only for multi-modules components, but added unconditionally in these instructions to keep them as straightforward as possible.

  3. stage the reference documentation to website production svn area, using maven-scm-publish-plugin: (TODO: explanations on configuration in pom to yyy-LATEST)
    mvn scm-publish:publish-scm

    svnpubsub mechanism transfers svn production content to live production site

Notice: to avoid published content do disappear when Maven main content is published (see documentation for more details), check that the /xxx-archives path is properly declared in extpaths.txt.

Publishing versioned component reference documentation

When doing a release, yyy-LATEST content staged in previous section needs:

  1. to be archived to versioned directory before a newer revision is published into -LATEST,
  2. to replace the actual component reference documentation.

This is done with operations on website production svn area, either with svn command:

  • Unix:
    svn cp $SVNPUBSUB/xxx-archives/yyy-LATEST $SVNPUBSUB/xxx-archives/yyy-$version -m "Archive versioned site."
    svn rm $SVNPUBSUB/xxx/yyy -m "Remove old site."
    svn cp $SVNPUBSUB/xxx-archives/yyy-$version $SVNPUBSUB/xxx/yyy -m "Publish new site."
  • Windows:
    set SVNPUBSUB=
    svn cp %SVNPUBSUB%/xxx-archives/yyy-LATEST %SVNPUBSUB%/xxx-archives/yyy-$version -m "Archive versioned site."
    svn rm %SVNPUBSUB%/xxx/yyy -m "Remove old site."
    svn cp %SVNPUBSUB%/xxx-archives/yyy-$version %SVNPUBSUB%/xxx/yyy -m "Publish new site."

or with svnmucc command:

svnmucc -m "Publish yyy $version documentation" \
  -U \
  cp HEAD xxx-archives/yyy-LATEST xxx-archives/yyy-$version \
  rm xxx/yyy \
  cp HEAD xxx-archives/yyy-LATEST xxx/yyy

Updating index page in the Maven site

Some component types have an index page refering to each components of the same type. This is the case for plugins (see index), shared (see index), poms (see index) and skins (see index).

Update the version number and release date for the component in the content/apt/xxx/index.apt page.

See Deploy Maven website for more in-depth instructions on main site content editing.

Notice: if you forget about updating the index page, dist-tool has a report run daily that will gently send a failure notification on notifications@maven.a.o.