Evolving the POM Format

Yesterday we had out first Maven Development Hangout and we discussed evolving the POM format. A summary still needs to be written and posted to the Maven Developer list but if you’re interested in listening to the discussion I’ve tried to capture some of the highlights. - Using the existing POM 4.0.0 model as the interop format (5.26) - Mixins for the POM (15.00) - What do we do with profiles? (19.00) - Requirement of deploying the built-time POM for inheritance (23.12) - What do you do with version ranges? (27.27)

The entire session is 50 minutes so if you’re interested in helping develop a new version of the POM you probably want to watch the whole video:

We are going to start tracking the discussion here in the Maven Wiki:


We’re hoping to do more of these hangouts on a regular basis, and are ironing out the schedule. If you’d like to join us, be sure to follow the Takari Google+ Page, to stay informed on upcoming hangouts.



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